Step 2: Functional Centers and the First Bridge
There are functional centers, which reflect the primary actions of the application, and the technology in which the application runs.
We'll define three clumps of code that I'll call functional centers. They reflect the three primary centers of activity in this app. These aren't classes yet. But this outline bridges the gap between, on the one hand, the application activity the user will see, and on the other hand, web technology (GETs, POSTs, FORMs, HTML) and the simple framework of supporting classes and methods found in this Google App Engine environment.
# The Home Page:
# * get: displays the current lists and items
# * render: called by all other functions to render a version of the home page
# Creating Lists:
# * get: renders the home page with a List form
# * post: handles the CGI POST to create a List
# Creating Items:
# * get: renders the home page with an Item form
# * post: handles the CGI POST to create an Item